this naafiri shit
How in the heck can I get out of iron when I’m dominating jungle but games are still such a tossup?
Looking for Duo
Looking for duos bronze NA
What causes massive loss streaks? (no, not loser's queue)
I don't understand LP gains.
Did Diana get gutted or what?
Lol matchmaking being still horrible is pretty sad
She feels very weak to play
How is matchmaking now?
Since there was some confusion. This is the sivir from my last post, is this bannable?
Just had the crazyiest win streak in my life !
Does Eve have the nastiest flash all in in the game?
Bill introduced to eliminate annual time changes in BC
Invading Evelynn
From bronze to gold in just 2 months: What I have learned
Yuumi gaming. I lol'd.
Ran it down mid for 10 deaths and didnt farm for half the game. still the best on my team. LOL. they should report themselves for being dogshit.
I quit the game 4 months ago. and Im getting the urge to come back to league .
What do you think is going to be the next sleeper OP jungle pick like darius?
Matchmaking is problematic. Decent adc players should quit soloq, or even better, quit this game
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Card question. What is this card worth. seems to be ones ranging from 200 to 1000 bucks on ebay. then way cheaper on facebook marketplace. I am confused.
What is this card worth. seems to be ones ranging from 200 to 1000 bucks on ebay. then way cheaper on facebook marketplace. I am confused.
Evelyn in iron