What are you going to run in season 2?
I did the stupidest thing today...
Summon Zon Start Questions
New sigils of hope rework for my fellow paladins
Good all-rounder Scavenger builds that are not Power Siphon?
Good console builds for phrecia event?
No, really, recombinators should stay in the game
OP build for late start?
What's a good build for juiced Ravaged Blight maps?
Best reasonably priced idol strat?
To PoE2 players who tried Phrecia: come back in June. Don't let it be your only PoE1 experience
Looking for different build in phrecia with fast clear
I'm so glad that we have Atlas tree instead of Idol system
I like this "league" a lot but damn what would i give for idol that blocks this madman... (also Jun)
What's your idol/atlas strat in phrecia?
Successfull Starter Builds
Looking for a DoT build that scales well into endgame.
Does anyone have a Venom Gyre build?
Anything interesting for EK Ignite in Phrecia Ascendencies?
If you had to choose only one to pull, would you guys pull for Tribbie or Anaxa?
Scavenger Ice Shot of Penetration Miner
Legacy of Phrecia: Now we know all the ascendancies, what you guys planning on league starter?
Based on everything we know, who's overall more powerful?
How much better is Tribbie vs RMC post V4 hotfix?