Guess the price of this art? Family wedding gift colored pencils art. 50 hrs of detailed work. A1 size prisima color permier nd Faber castle. Bristol smooth paper.
Rate the below art? Restored old image into perfect bliss. Guess the price and timing of the art? Graphite A3 size art.
Restored old image into perfect bliss. Guess the price and timing of the art? Graphite A3 size art.
"12 hours of love and color! Just finished this intricate color pencil artwork. Can you guess what inspired me to create this piece and price of the art? #colorpencilart #artwork #12hourproject #prisma color # Brustro #staedler
Art of my soul (Nephew). Guess the time of the art? A4 size graphite.
Graphite art for wedding gift - completed in 10 hrs
My hubby pencil graphite art
Baby colored art with fine background work.
Restored old blurred image into a fine art(Graphite & Colored). Prisma color premier pencil on strathmore vellum paper.
Customised commissioned graphite restore retro art.
Little Princess first art
Pencil Realistic Art - trans paper into reality _ Prisma color premier on bristol paper