Cite seu artista/banda estrangeira favorita e outra pessoa vai te recomendar um(a) Brasileiro(a):
Give me one (1) absolutely ESSENTIAL album to listen to!
What is the best album starting with P?
Type your name without using these letters
We did at third at least
Best bands A-Z voted results!
Es de mi hermana y le estamos buscando nombre. Nos ayudan ?
Which one is better?
Name this one
Your telling me Patrick Wilson just went to the studio drew this and called it a day
É o argentino não tem como
Das duas uma: ou o André escuta música pelo cu, ou ele bebeu maconha e fumou chá de cogumelo antes de fazer essa tierlist.
Songs that feels like this moment
What's your user without these letters?
songs that start with a question
Songs that tell you to do something
Song titles that are names??
What is the best Colour for music? (these are just example album covers i'm asking about in general)
Songs that recommend you to run 🏃
Songs that are the first and best (or favorite) in an artists discography
Songs with titles that end with "song"
Guys, what core is my music taste?
Weezer is a wonderful band
O André também ja trabalhou com o Dr Dre?
Best *band* starting with letter W?
Songs that talk about being from California and/or going to Tokyo