Could a transit be causing my brain fog?
Interpretation of wide squares and advice on healing them.
Can intrusive thoughts be traumatic?
Does anyone else get anxious while cleaning?
Ocd images before sleep
2023 has by far been the worst year for my mental wellbeing
Anyone feel the thoughts seem more real when anxiety dies and why so?
Existential OCD mostly gone
Can ocd develop into schizophrenia
realised iv had significant symptoms of ocd even before it became major... when was your first signs of ocd?
Anyone else gets "signs"?
Has anyone found the root of their intrusive thoughts? If so, did it help?
Anybody else during states of hyperarousal get swallowed by their thoughts and believe they’re 100% true?
Can anyone explain their process of “accepting the uncertainty” with intrusive thoughts.
Information/advice on current transits
How can stop overthinking and being hard on myself
Anyone have worsened ocd going through Saturn in the 12th house transit?
To the Reddit user that asked me if OCD ever goes away
Anxious about existing and not understanding reality nor anything around
I isolate myself so I can ruminate and attempt to rationalize the intrusive thoughts/fears in my head