What’s the best way to cluster these Dell OptiPlex Micros with Proxmox?
DURANKI is getting an english release!!!
Is my bike too small?
real or scam s-works crux?
Winter Cycling
Cikel predavanj o osnovah marksizma
How is the new wave / post-punk / EBM / psych rock scene in Ljubljana?
[FS][EU-DE] Dell Optiplex 7080 MFF
Best Pizza in Ljubljana
How dangerous is running an old DS212j?
Hrup iz Ljubljanske džamije
[Recommendation request] Interesting beaters
Who here hates the notch
Anyone have experience with these?
This seems relatively high. This you? If so, why?
Metalkova & ROG raves?
Evakuacija SCNM
Does Mario (or any of the characters) still cry out for other characters?
Nevarno postavljen oglasni pano botroval nesreči.
You won at pinball
This man owns a company where he complains to people’s bosses on their behalf anonymously
Looking for a steel frame build under $3500
What kinda music does this guy listen to?
Podaljšani kroji M
My wife set the AC at home to 30 degrees celsius