Advice: Stay in US vs go back to India
What's your salary ? Mine is 30k
Americans expanding their families
Why do Indians come to US for a masters degree—I think it’s a scam
people who became multi millionaires before 30
How “difficult” would it be getting a 41mm Datejust as a first AD purchase?
Datejust ❤️
No golds for India: Why the world’s most populous country punches below its weight at the Olympics | CNN
Full Medal Tally After Day 11
For those of that make 60k+ a year...
are undeveloped countries better than western ones to start a biz ?
[WP] There's a forest that people say resembles the ocean. A forest where the land slopes endlessly deeper but the tops of the trees do not. Animals, plantlife... they're said to get stranger the further in one goes.
How are most self-made millionaires under 25 made?
Do you believe in God? Why/why not?
Apple Lovers, what is your favorite flavor?
What matters more to you, salary, or liking your job?
My Mother Hasn't Been This Excited for a Show in a Long Time
_______ is a shithole country.
Why do some people seems to regard the nordic countries highly?
Is the public transportation system good enough that you don't need a car?
Man…I’ve been running tests and in this heat unless I’m going to be gone for the whole day it doesn’t make sense to turn off the AC. Just as much if not more power is used if I turn it off for 4 hours then back on when I come home later.
My friends, I have terrible news. Stormlight isn't TV, it isn't anime. It's Bollywood. Look at this and tell me that's not Lashing, and/or maybe a steelpush
Camps in Roy G park
Building up Burnet