Tips for adding more bench volume and switching to dumbbells for OHP
Right shoulder / pec always gives out first when benching + going wider causes shoulder pain, not sure what's wrong
6 months on GZCLP and incredibly pathetic numbers. End of linear progression this early or doing something horribly wrong?
Did I reach my potential with IIDX or just burning out?
anything wrong with my pull up form?
Bicep pain when doing pull ups, what am I doing wrong?
Having a lot of trouble with pull ups - occasional right arm/bicep pain whenever done frequently
Excessive arm shaking even after 5 months of benching, progressively getting worse in sessions
Arms still shaking excessively on bench press after 6 months
Bench Press - still excessive shaking in left arm after 6 months
Starting to doubt my form a bit - especially neck positioning and rounding. Too heavy?
Bicep pain after switching to low bar squats
Bench press form check - can't maintain tightness?
Switching to low-bar squats for the first time - correct positioning?
Bench feels really uncomfortable at higher rep range - feel like tightness and stability gets lost
Switching from high-bar to low-bar squat for T1 and T2, how to start again?
Squat depth check - too high? Aiming for powerlifting / strength standards
OHP Form Check
Deadlift form check, rounding too much?
Unconfident about high bar squat form
IIDX hard stuck on 10s for months
High bar squat form check appreciated
Changing to an Upper/Lower variant and would like feedback on program
Can’t fix lower back rounding
Struggling to keep back straight on deadlifts