Am I the only one that thinks Bowling Jerseys look dumb?
What even is going on internally at Dart
Uh, is GoLink free?
No sound in the device "Razer Audio Controller-Game" but there is sound in the device "Razer audio controller-chat".
Pc expanded and enhanced?
Fr tho
What was your first bowling ball you threw a hook with?
Apparently this is a leaked splatter edition of Ride The Lightning, coming later this year
Guess the Trailer 2 Release Date Contest
This might be controversial but I wish they didn't actually call it Nintendo Switch 2
New gear score from marketplace, do y'all like these classics in modern lanes?
For pan frying a pork chop on medium high heat, how long would I have to have it on each side. What about if I add flour to it for a nice crust
As an adult with limited free time, GTA Online is so frustrating
when did bowling get so expensive?
Leaked Info About GTA 6 from a Rockstar Janitor
Trailer 2 will drop in April
Jason is wearing Claude's pants, CJ's tank top, and has Niko's haircut.
November 22? Nop
Equipment to casual events?
Haven't bowled in about 3 years. Left my bag in the garage the whole time. It gets below freezing here maybe once or twice a year. One ball was fine, this one not so much.
The 18,000 theory proven to be wrong.
Next rockstar post ?
Frontier down
Thoughts on this guy?
I can finally play Doom on my Frontman 15