When is wandering knight Gowther going to be available?
Worth it ?
How do I play black totally “legally”
Can Pokémon be shiny from the start of the game?
Trading pokemon.
Shiny Reshiram someone?
Any chance they switch her into a fire character? 🥲
After 2 hours of hunting, we have a shiny.
Can someone help me with a team for pvp? Still tryna get the hang of this game lol
Regional dex completed
I just finished my first playthrough in over 10 years. Should I nuzlock next?
Found a sickly rattata while hunting for a shiny mareep
im cant decide between kiki and pookie, which name fits her better?
And everyone thought he was joking
LET'S GO (2514SR)
If the death of a minor god caused this, would the death of an Archon cause a nuke?
If you were to pick, which Hanya build do you prefer?
I will probably get downvoted for this but I have to vent
im lvl 14 What should my team be all help appreciated
How do I add cheat codes?
I didn't share my sharing size m&ms
gUaT dUt mY tOp 65 sAis ABOUT me?????????????
What are the odds ???