How many in-game days would it take to do the Hanged S.Link?
First time player here just curious is there a way to level up the rest of the crew without overleveling yourself just finished the 4th dungeon and teddie and yosuke fell behind a lot lol
Underleveling Problem
4x your salary or 200k per month tax free, but it'll be a random job I give you
Currently in the middle of friend-zoning Yukari and it's honestly the most agonizing experience in my life
Why is she sitting like that, is she ok?
Just finished persona 4
About 12 hours in and...
About to start playing Persona 4 Golden in Hard Mode. I'd also like to complete every social link this time. Any advice?
In Heaven, I think I just got the greatest Shuffle Time ever
I really enjoy how Kanji often finishes the joke from earlier conversations in game
What were some of your favorite showdowns?
Enough with the characters, what's your favorite spaceship?
Hi guys, new watcher question here
It’s all leading to a payoff right
What are some good semi long animes preferably around 100 eps?
Anyone Know How Much 7 Yen Was in The 1800s Japan to Our Time 2025 That Made Kenshin Turn To Stone? (Can't find the estimate of prices from 1800s Japan to 2025 USA today)
Vita or 3DS??
I started playing yesterday and I keep losing only with 1-2 turns, what am I doing wrong?
What are you guys playing right now?
"Your Greed Is Hurting The META"
What was Osamu's role during the Large Scale Invasion Arc according to Jin?
I really need a good anime.
My crush is a nerd and plays Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel, help
Why are social links so much harder to rank up in this game?