Shout out to the pit for this drop
Tummy and Love handles
Apocalypsion Raid [Gremory] First Clear + Impressions
I have't rerolled for I alrrady linked my account.m Weapon Gacha is bad .. Need sone help on who to focus.
Golem B11 vs B15, which one yield better result?
Guys. Im back after and its been a long since I playedMSL. I just wanted to know are there any tips on how you can farm mats for super evo? Is slimming limited now??TIA
Event Megathread - Microlayer Medley
FINDING Happiness bug?? I hope not. I cant continue the quest after asking petra. She still have the three hello dots after talking to her.. Need ur help guys..TIA
Atago by Cuboon
Upcoming events: Treasure Hunter and Yggdrasill!
Guild Recruitment Megathread
Question Megathread
Need help in team composition. Is Leona good? Should I get Tiamat or Cherry for the 5k gold thingy.. TIA
[Saturday January 6th Questions and Help Thread] Have Questions? Need Answers? Ask Anything!
Returnee Player after 2 Years. Need help in Summoners Arc
Are clan vs clan rewards bugged?
Has anyone else been more intrigued by the lore of msl?
Nat5 Light contract incoming
If you had 1800 crystals and you can buy an 4-5* ld egg
433 Read This! Please do collaboration with Fate Series(anime). It would be awesome!
Help! Which RGB Nightmare to Evo 3?
What's your favorite astromon?
How much data does this game use?
Colossus coming on June 22nd (no duplicates!)
How's this Heroes' Festival treating you?