Besides Abracadabra, Disease, and Die with a smile, which Mayhem song is best?
Mayhem is Lady Gaga's 1st No. 1 Album in Germany in 14 Years
Rate “Paparazzi” out of 10
What’s your personal favorite HBO show? (Besides the top ones who are most of the public favorites)
Account delinquent - any tips to get it back up?
How true is this ladies?
Fav song on mayhem?
Account now noted as delinquent? Need help on disputing
Share your best night of sleep & how it happened…
what would your perfect version of KP7 be?
Which Mayhem song is currently stuck in your head?
this vid FRYIN me idky 😭
Ollie and AD seen! together
Kylie’s selfie with the LAFD Helicopter Pilot via his IG
Serious question: why does Katy Perry seem to be excelling in every country except for The USA ?
Does my perfect US city exist?
Katy and her "hints to what's coming in the future"
Anyone get Symptom Radar during their period?
what was the best year of the 2020s so far?
Unpopular Opinion: I really love Timmy and Kylie’s relationship. They look so happy together, makes my single self want to barf.
Which White Lotus storyline has been your favorite so far?
The ship is sinking
Kylie’s new post