The difference between Season +15 and Prime +4 with same OVR, in case you are a nerd like me and want to know
Cheap crafting Workshop
Asian ranked 1 player (He has now quit)
Sig vs Impact
Game Chat 2/28 - Angels (0-0) @ Dodgers (0-0) 5:05 PM
Good enough?
Anybody tried the turbo hug?
How many superior skill change tickets have you used on your moment cards so far?
Any idea why this Bellinger card isn’t showing up for limit break or transcendence? I used it for development transfer into ‘19 belli
My second deck is bringing me so much joy! It’s truly amazing how it’s all coming together.
Advice on game event
Receiving limit break tokens from Major III? Is this a bug?
Where to go from here
7 out of 7 Sigs, RPs. And #6 and #7 are dupes. This has to be some kind of joke
I’m convinced that devs are using my account as a sick joke lol. I just pulled my 6th RP Sig in a row. 6/6 what are the chances
Main Player
Worth it to develop to a Sig with lower OVR?
What do you use these packs for ?
Finally got the Judge sig I've been chasing! 😊
Am I Chalked??
PSA: go through and hit training (or do training boost first) you might have a free training level on most of your cards with the update’s lowering costs for You and 207 people like this 207 41 07
Incredibly Early Thoughts on the New Update
Would love your opinion on who to develop to Sig as main player