We ALL thought this while playing DawnTrail
What "non horror" IP do you REALLY want ingame? For me it's Control
Help with picking a race?
Dark Urge as a legendary skin for Vecna?
The twins age
Now that Kaneki is coming to DBD who else would you want to see from other Anime?
wondering if I should come back to the game
There Is No Truth, or: Why FFXIV Discourse Will Be Controversial Forever
Is SE Releasing More Items to the Cash Shop Than Usual?
Just saw the new trailer for Silent Hill F. Potential new legendary costume for Cheryl?
Are there any campy/comedy horror characters you’d want to see added?
Unlimited sprint?! Mount while moving?! Please enjoy this interview with Yoshi-P~
Death note killer concept
Do you think "Warwick" was doomed from the beginning Were the sisters delusional when they thought they could save him?
The devs push into horror adjacent ips this year was incredible can’t wait to see what lies next.
Five Nights at Freddy's DLC
With Dead By Daylight embracing the horror genre outside of slashers, what "out-there" IPs would you like to see?
Kaneki’s unmasked face but he has hair
With Tokyo Ghoul here, Death Note surely can’t be far behind
Welcome Ken Kaneki to the game as our newest killer
For those who aren’t familiar with the new killer, here’s a recap of Tokyo Ghoul (anime) on what The Ghoul is like!
Waiting for them to add a third David to DBD…
What next license would you like to see?
Just felt like talking about my experience with DT [Spoiler: 7.0, obviously]
Was Warwick(Vander) the one who saved Jinx from death?