Germany doesn't deserve it's reputation as the greatest of sausage nations
Help with filter-less blur
Filter-Less Help
Following on from 'what the heck is this?' monster spider post. I have one too - scary as hell!!
Karl Franz Early Game Help
r/discworld's community-built alignment chart day 21: Chaotic Good. The comment with the most upvotes after 24 hours decides the next character!
How are you meant to eat a vanilla slice? I love them so much, but every time I get one I have to eat it in private. Last time I had one I ended up with icing on my thumb nail (not sure how that got there) and custard on my cheek, chin and lap.
this was quite smooth to be honest.
Millipede with half body missing and dried entrails dragging behind, still alive and moving ~~
unreal - it looks so peaceful.
pubs r back
What a view
A discussion about Disney and Sony (-2919)
R.I.P bob the builder
Getting all the way to the checkout in Morrisons to discover your particular main snack and drink combination doesn't qualify for the meal deal and having to hide the pain when making small talk to the cashier
I will never be able to unsee this
Tyne bar always good on Sundays
This is 95 Hirane from Japan. I accidently entered his shop to ask for directions. So how we got talking and became good friends. And now he dedicates 2 hours everyday to teaching me Japanese 😊
This place knows how to layout a breakfast!
Just discovered Nescafé Azera coffee lids fit on any tin. No more dog food hummin fridge!
Our film industry should be called Brollywood
Me irl