How's the water at fort Lauderdale ATM??
APNEA DIVING: LONG-TERM NEUROCOGNITIVE SEQUELAE OF REPEATED HYPOXEMIA Lynne Ridgway and Ken McFarland University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Brisbane, Australia
My composites genius buddy whipped me up a new set of carbon fiber fin blades.
Told my students that they could look up their teacher's salaries on the State's website.
Breathing techniques
[US] How We Got to Now (2014): The story behind scientific advances that made modern life possible.
xpost from GIFS, Next time someone asks you if they should buy a small gun, send them this.
Home made beach diving float?
This is why it is important to dive with a competent buddy.
Spearos, what is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you on a dive?
Algonquin has yet to be reported on the FAU police blotter, while every other dorm and apartment has had some problem.
My latest cnf dive, any comments? :)
Can't stop fogging up
Gun size question....
Rekindling the flame with a new meerschaum
chef said "no soy sauce". i just smiled and nodded, knowingly.
That 5:30 PM Grad class...
Burley pot whilst spearing?
When he invites me to Netflix and chill and we actually just watch Netflix and chill.
2003 Suzuki DF70 not pissing and overheating
I know this is really dumb, but I need help getting over my fears
Top Three Spearfishing Wetsuits
44, no credit, self employed glass artist, need credit
Do you ever feel guilty spending money?
What are you focusing on at the moment?