So many commenters are being deliberately obtuse about the purpose of this sub, that It seems like it's insecure PC masterrace type trolls commenting half the time.
What do you use your mac for?
Cheap Alternative to Things3
Which native game are you playing?
CharmBar: the app that lets you customize any Dock icon
I've been looking for an app like trickster but I haven't heard a lot about it, did anyone try it? can I get a mini review on it?
Kickstarter is now live for my MMBN inspired game! Rewards are focused on bringing your creativity to the Net!
I made an app that can convert almost any file to any other file locally
I can proudly declared I have completed Battle Network Legacy Collection Volume 2. 560+ hours of total gameplay is insane (across 3 years)
a modern iPhone UI reimagined with FA glass textures
That's it. I'm done with this nonsense. No more listening to Story of Wonder, Vampire and Incident Occurrence! OSTs plaguing the entire playthrough.
Who’s your most HATED viruses in all the BN games?
Which program is the best for you on productivity
did a post like this with pm64 but whats your favourite song from tyyd
out of these titles which do you recommend the most? I can only play one
Work in progress
Which Battle Network Boss Battle Annoys You The Most??
Which program do you no longer want to do without?
I made my first $50 with my free mobile game!
A Mac app similar to Apple Notes but more powerful?
Iconize Folder v1.6 Released – Easily Set Folder Colors and Add Icons to Enhance Visual File Management.
Your best apps for planning a complex project
Favorite sound effect?
What's the best pie (radial) menu app for macOS?
I would marry Dr Eggman