1:1 Mayflower
The Memphis Belle
USS-Langley CV-1 and her fighters
Which build is your favorite
USS Langley 1-1
Consular-Class Cruiser (Charger C70 retrofit)
Pelta-class Frigate
1-1 ARC-170
Coming soon to SE1 workshops near you
All clone trooper armors. What's your fav?
I'm not sure that's what they meant when they said "moonpool" SE2
1-1 Sector Fleet
1:1 Victory Star destroyer outer shell is finally done, she's only 29,912 blocks
1:1 B-17E
1:1 C-45
ww2 1:1s
1:1 U.S Convoy
1:1 M4A4 Sherman
1:1 b-17 has been posted... finally
I need names for the b-17's bombs for the next mission https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyDFaVCCYsM&t=25s
I've been working on 1:1 ww2 planes
1:1 Victory Star Destroyer 30k blocks, 900m long
I love making 1:1s
I need a name for my personal B-Wing
1:1 U-Wing