What's your highest brawler? (don't mind the tutorial)
A quick post for people who still think Subaru rejected Rem
How Rem effects Subarus future
Subaru And Emilia is stagnant because of Subaru
Chuck when Heist is removed... (in Ranked or overall)
What it looks like to be 13-14 in the Re: Zero world, in fact (Why didn't the last three get much taller during timeskip?)
How is that even possible
2011 Skipping THE plot point be like:
What would be the best stand to cheat with in a sport
Ryuhei is literally sneako he genuinely PRESSURES another man to do his girl
I honestly wish *Haru* Konno returned. He was really cool, but as he is now, even though he's kinder, he's clearly still restrained by the chains of greed, sloth, and gluttony...