I took off work to play D2 and the servers are down, please roast me 🔥
So I've been looking through the lore of the game, and now this is how I imagine Sigurd every time one of his little brothers wanders off:
Robert Bobroczky 7' tall at 12 years of age and 7'7" at 16 years
Science? Scientific Science!
Closest place for guardian CG
What is this? It wasn’t hot or do anything while I was there
I got this game and it is very difficult!
⚔️ With the best shields and weapons capacity, the Manticore Dominator suit will give soldiers the power to control the battlefield.
My experience with Odyssey so far
How can i be unwanted in a system?
Has anyone played on a Series X yet?
Ships are getting a touch up for Odyssey
Don't know how I suvived
Don't know how I survived
Problems with Wing Mining
Odyssey and us joystick users..
Emergency stops while nose diving into a hotspot be like
Why is everyone assuming it's the thargoids ?
What am I missing?
Casual Russian tram. All aboard! Have a nice ride.
oh god, oh fuck
Starship trooper shower scenes up next
Saw this out walking, is this Pokémon Go? Do I win?
UPDATE 1-Parler's website is back online, but app still not in stores
Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny detained at Moscow airport
You'll never know what's flying during a heavy storm.