The Dutch Once Owned This Isle
James Renner names ex-West Point BF as Suspect Steffan Baldwin.
How close is your supermarket?
Do you toast your PB&J’s/Uncrustables? If so, what state are you from?
MMW - Trump will first change that everyone is by default an organ donor, then legalize organ sales.
Seriously (Schenectady, NY)
Help me find Cousins on my Dads side.
What’s going on with Joann Fabrics closing and everyone being so pissed about it?
What is the best option for viewing antenna channels?
To what extend is the My Lai massacre taught in your schools?
Do i have cherokee indian in me or am I being lied too?
Holy shit, didn’t realize it was this bad
Mod System is broke as fuck
Anyone here donate in organ and then later needing one yourself?
Karl's Worst Crime
Do Americans eat buckwheat or are large grains not held in high regard by the average American?
James Renner Update on Case
Loosing money
American Influencer in Australia. What an Trashy B.
That is NOT the America I know! 🤑
Uncanny: Oberst-Gruppenführer Mike
What scientific breakthrough are we closer to than most people realize?
Why there are so many mean people and n@zis in game
I am so shocked and stunned by this particular ancestor. I always thought we were just Eastern European..