Living for this
Cute little slap
Help ID these inherited fish please?
Hardcore barkour...
Hardcore barkour... Clever pup
Android Users, why don't you like iOS?
I'm thinking about trying something new at my local Chinese takeaway, but I don't really know what I'd like... I don't tend to eat spicy food, so nothing with a kick. My standard order would be lemon chicken with boiled rice. What should I try next?
Which name will be the new 'Karen' in 20-30 years time?
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange wins right to ask Supreme Court to consider case against US extradition
It a person was in a coma from 2000-2022, what would shock them the most upon waking up?
If you had to sleep sandwiched between two wild animals, what would they be?
Christian Wakeford, one of the 2019 intake of Tory MPs has walked out of the party to join the Labour benches.
It was a cold, dark, foggy morning when out of the mist comes.... a little grey car with no bloody lights on.
Car using trailer for back tires
Trying to look for a place to rent with my SO and having every place we come to wanting us to be in employment.....only to all offer us viewings the next day WHILE WE'RE AT WORK
[TOMT][SONG][2000's] a music video where there are loads of pregnant women wondering around outside... I can't remember any lyrics and the only answers google is giving me are songs sung by pregnant women!
[TOMT][PC GAME][2000s] A computer game where you could build a hospital, hire staff and install medical equipment for the patients to use. The only thing I really remember is having patients with a swollen head and they went into a room to 'deflate'.
Perez about taking seconds from Hamilton: "I'm sure Lewis will understand. As a driver, you don't want to interfere into their championship, they've worked so hard for it to be in this moment. But it's my team. I've done it for my team."
Our son coming to our bed in the middle of the night. Watched it twice before realizing he was carrying his big stuffed dog AND our cat.
[TOMT][MUSIC][WEBSITE] Looking for an old music download site I used to use.
What's a product you'd never buy for full price?
TIL: There is such a thing as a tasselled wobbegong shark. What a specimen!
TIL: The longest word in the English language is 189,819 letters. Although it is disputed whether or not it is an actual word because it is not in the dictionary.
Covid: Austria back in lockdown despite protests
Having a debate in the office with a co-worker, what is your favourite biscuit to accompany a Tea?
What is the most unnecessary lyric you've ever heard in a song?