A wild Giant in the woods
It was a good sand day with this new Giant
NBD- my first drop bar
Completed Rig...for now 😏
New Bike Day
Which one?
Sticky sand gravel ride
New Build Day
Sunday Kempen Gravel
Wintergravel in Belgium
Goodbye AW6, hello Polar
Polar Vantage V still worth it in 2022?
90km of snow riding
NBD. 8bar Mitte v3. The "woowoo machine", so excited to join the gravel club!
Obligatory "Kapellekesshot" when cycling in Belgium 😁. Giant Revolt Advanced Zero in the Hageland Area, lots of hollow roads, 100% gravelfiesta
Giant Revolt Advanced Zero in his natural habitat!
Why there is not many posts here with Giant Revolt series?
Gravelfiesta !
Playing in the woods! Giant Revolt Advanced Zero 2021
Love this bike. Giant Revolt Advanced Zero 😍
NBD - Giant Revolt Advanced 0
Sizing advice: Canyon Grail 6
He arrived!!! After 7 months waiting! Giant Revolt Advanced Zero!
NBD: It finally arrived! But so did a new cold front: -10C tomorrow :(
Perfect weekend for gravel riding near Vancouver, BC