39M. Wife says this is tacky. I think it’s minimalist but fine.
I’m attracted to kids but don’t want to be, am I a monster?
North Alabama/ Boujee Bliss shot
Increased sex drive
Going from 25 mg to 50 mg. Any words of encouragement?
Zoloft actually increased my sex drive
Zoloft day 2 amazing results
Holy Crap... depression 10x
I was a different person on Zoloft. Or was I myself for the first time?
First time using SSRI
My wife wrote my suicide note
In which ways are you exactly the same as your 13 year old self?
anhedonia is hitting
Who are YOU removing?
Looking for recs
Day 1 CT - 7oh/Extracts/Press pills (4th attempt quitting)
Daddy Redbar
43 days off scared to get a job
L- Tyrosine is amazing
Super Random but Fuck Opie
How I lost my soul mate after 10 years.
Sitting on a Cock and I'm Gay
What can we get for all our assets?
What comedian has so much hype but you don’t think is actually funny?
PSSD - possible from kratom?