Requesting r/Embers - Unmoderated and Privated
Requesting r/SupernoUra - Inactive Mods & Restricted
Requesting r/AfterGod - Banned
Requesting r/cosmos - Inactive
[Sherpa Card][XB][Crossplay] Alzaga
[LTS][XB][Crossplay][GoS] Garden/Div Sherpa today (22 Aug) at 3pm EST
[LTS][PC][GOS] July 29th 9PM EST Willing to teach any new/solo player the raid
[LTS][CP][Last Wish] Saturday July 23 6pm CST
[LTS][VoG][PC][Crossplay] Let's Shatter the Vault of Glass! Tonight @7PM EDT
[LTS][XB][PC][DSC] Eyes of the-day-before-two-days-from-now
Let him get bullied
[DISC] The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You Ch. 14.5
[DISC] The Story Of The Girl I Like Being Too Ikemen - Ch 4
[DISC] Ganbare, Douki-chan :: Ch. 22
The most feared criminal
Being around things you love
Im charlie here
Is fist bumping allowed?
me irl
Kimetsu no Yaiba 185 Discussion
[DISC] Kimetsu no Yaiba Chapter 180