Curly hair success!
What are some kdramas that everyone likes but you don't understand the hype around it?
Mold in avacado salsa I forgot
zucker is mad at purrl
Which 3 are you picking?
what nickname did your villagers give you?
Who’s your fav villager??
Does anyone do this with their mouth, almost constantly?
What are some things you have to know to know
I was not aware villagers could have children
What are this little cabinets called?😭
Who is your absolute enemy?
Who were your starting villagers in ACNH?
Scream :(
my first lily of the valley!!
What is your island name? How did you pick it?
What did you name your first island and why?
What’s your least favourite thing in animal Crossing I’ll start
I cant believe i got this on camera
Guys I did it! I graduated. [OC]
My lips have been in agony for 7 months
WHY on earth are my instagram stories blurry ONLY when I add filter/GIF/music?! Please help!😩
Did any other employees got a raised ? Or was it just our store ?
What’s your longest video chat you’ve had with your partner? This was ours