Forced by manager to join Employee Weight Loss Group. Is this normal?
No Matter What, Not a Farewell
Caution against Kasa smart plugs.
Where did the Statue of Liberty go?
Best Chicken Fried Steak?
Respectable Mechanic in Marion
My friend’s father has an old token for 10c off a T-bone steak from Walgreens
Took me long but here is the before/after
HA freezing in all browsers? Do you have the bitwarden extension? Yeah, it's this.
Best Place for Cheap Candy
Hiker on Mount Everest finds a fellow Hiker that perished.
New Robin dialogue in 1.6 ... yikes
am I drunk or is there two 😅🤣
Asus GeForce RTX 4090 TUF GAMING
Recently bought a house and impulsively tore up the shower siding how much did this cost me?
Huge stone Ten commandments...outside the hotel I'm staying at (Texas City)
This massive gas station in Texas
Any clue what insulation this is?
This guy's response to a girl saying that she got engaged
I forgot how great Awesome: I Fuckin' Shot That is
Why is No One Talking About the Absolute BEST Passive Income In Stardew Valley
HMC as I down this drink with no hands
Whose arm is that?
Ladies and gentlemen, we have done it