Anybody else hit the bottle hard to cope?
UK neets (Especially disabled ones, such as myself) are currently under major threat and discrimination.
Is donalda the most chopped character in the series
i miss it so badly
Remembering this is forever
How we feel abt 5’8?
Advice for short men
Girls don't know what 6ft looks like
So, why DO some people hate us so much?
Lengedary 5,1 indian guy that everyone knows spotted in hawaii with all girl freinds *RARE SIGHTING*
What's with all the 5'9-5'11 guys here now?
can HTN face compensate at 170cm?
good looking guy but height + race brings him down
Always blamed my 170cm height for my failure to attract any girl but now i know the real cause it is my body my weight
5'2 to 5'4
How does it make you feel- To be a sperm donor you need to be minimum 5'11 / 6'0 ?
This world is so dumb and brutal at the same time
How much did you grew after 15?
The height stuff is slyly bs
Which regime was/is worse?
Can a 5´7 dude and a 6´6 dude eat the same food growing up?
5’7 ain’t that bad
Am I frauding
What's with incels and right wing/ right wing extremism?