How strong is VS2 Lille Barro?
How strong are Azashiro and Cien compared to the elite captains?
Preferite jojo o bleach?
Unfortunately he’s the weakest elite sternritter
Urahara vs Shunsui. Who wins? Explain why.
Im seeing a lot of unohana glaze recently,so let's make a few things clear
If Tessai used level 90s kido in here (Kurohitsugi for example) then would that kill Aizen?
Komamura vs Gin
Shinji vs Gin
The Strongest Man in the World vs The Demon Slayer, who's the better representation of the word "STRONGEST"?
Do y’all agree with uni+ Shinigami Aizen? If not what’s his actual AP, I’ve also seen country and moon level for him
Scaling random versions of random characters, Part 1: shinigami Aizen
Gin vs Tosen
Who wins?
Soifon downplay is Yoruichi downplay. Soifon was keeping up so well, Yoruichi thought she was cheating. Yet people still say they aren't equals
How Strong is Lille Barro: The Self Proclaimed Yhwach's Best Creation
Who is the strongest character that no almighty SK yhwach can beat
Can Ichigo survive a Serious Punch from Saitama?
Ichibei vs all of yhwach's royal guards post aushwalen
What's this anime?
1st invasion Byakuya runs the gauntlet where does he stop or does he clear?
Shikai Urahara is blatantly outscaled by base Ulquiorra
Who wins this?
Shunsui vs Askin
Would you date a girl significantly stronger than you?
Rank those guys