At least he was honest I guess…?
Ask me anything Been selling for a year.
K is for ...?
Sell Your Stuff Saturday!!
My friend [18M]has feeling for me [18F ]what do I do ?
New account seller
Good Vinted sellers?
Who's the top seller on vinted?
My male friend M18 is upset with me because I F18 don’t like him romantically , what do I do ?
F, as in Fuck Netflix for cancelling Inside Job
Best friend has feelings for me
Friend M18 has feeling for me F18 , what do I do ?
How do I get unblocked
What am I? "I am a ..."
Am I Overreacting to call this a red flag
Am I in the wrong
I need some advice from the girlies 😭
Whiteboard project
What am I? "I bring enchanting ..."
Theory on S2 Ep8
Your username dictates what happens to you for the next 24 hours. What will happen?
AIO for telling my ex he’s is being ridiculous?
What is a stereotypically feminine activity you actually enjoy?
anybody remember the recycled chuck e cheese pizza theory?