I hate supercell
Why are people here so dumb?
The Great Wave
Anyone else underwhelmed with bos hyper
Is it just me or is getting really hard to rank up
-25 for a draw?? Is this game serious
Star Player, draw, and still lose 31 elo
First time ive ever seen this
From a legendary!?
Why do people do this?
Is this good for around 5 months of play
Is it just me or has ranked gotten sweatier and randoms have gotten worse
Time Loop Style Original Horror Movie
Do they reimburse unused pizza slices?
Is this Rare?
I’m hard stuck diamond. Any tips?
How many titles do you have?
This needs to be discussed urgently
How am i against these guys( i have 40k teamates lower)
How is this even possible
Game Idea Read Below (image related
How is this fair ( i have 40k) my teamates had less
What's the weirdest BS dream you've had?
Why are they all offset?
Is this fair..? I understand it but I’m stuck lol