Can anyone tell me what is the name of this type of architecture?
50 Years in Kitchens
Electric vehicle owners don’t buy gas. States look for other ways to pay for roads and bridges.
Croutons are not good
Production Motivation
The Institute of Peace called the police for help
Elementary school teachers, if your state requires the Ten Commandments to be posted in your classroom, how would you respond to one of your students raising their hand and asking what adultery means?
Reinstate entity
Joe Rogan was never funny and is now pathetic
Big SHOUT OUT to everyone w/ signs on the square today
grandpa's old stationary - anyone know what these are used for?
Project manager said ‘If it’s a problem, the pressure test will catch it’. Alright then, let’s find out.
Seen on a private property in Germany. Approx 3 meters high. Seems to have some kind of rotor inside. The property is surrounded by agriculture.
Chronic pain management in patients on SSRIs for depression
I'm screaming! I just bought two sets from 1900 and 1910 from a woman, some people have treasures in their attics ! 🥹 For 25$ the set.. a gift.. really.
Your dream eczema product?
What are some of your favorite street photography clichés?
looking for any feedback on most recent shoot
Call senator Ossoff if you like social security.
Favourite one liners as a PM
80s plaid in green
Naproxen has calmed me down
Worst Fashion Trends
Certain class traitor elements on here have been doubting that the police are there to break strikes, for the avoidance of any doubt here's a lesson from recent history
Love my weirdos!