What is considered an essential part of a drum kit/set?
Would you let me rank again?
Which elimination methods are canon? Day 2 - sapienza
Any possible way to get Wattson cyberpunked skin?
I cant get into void from Europa
chefs of reddit, what's that one underrated/unknown ingredient that no one talks about, yet you always keep it at reach even at your home??
What's a good album to start my korn journey to??
is carrying a dull training butterfly knife legal??
manga readers of reddit, where do you buy/download your manga? (im a noob when it comes to manga im trying to find somewhere to start so if you have a good manga please say the name of it it will b a nice addition)??
What is a quote from Star Wars you would not want to hear during sex?
what's a food combo you love that people think you're weird for?