Brother said guess the cut and I’ll get you a fishing rod. Help me out yall
Is this something to be concerned about?
Bbq platter made for friends
Need a movie that will scare the crap out of me just like…
Cauliflower fried rice
Who else are you seeing this summer?
Snubie World Tour Snus Line - here's the results!
Blood blister on heel
Filets to celebrate our first 60+ degree day!
sock recommendations ?
My gf said she likes 3 inchers (how did I do)
Looking for jobs for the summer season
Drake shiny?
Looking for a 20-50 mile course in the Northeast that’s NOT in the Northeast Ultra 8
How'd I do? Dry Brine Reverse Sear
Found this gem
What do you think about new Strava „layout”?
Need help coordinating a color to match
Some of my favorite steaks I have cooked from the past year 15-16
how many of you use a cellular plan for your watch?
Migration is live
Average single college guy dinner
Vo2 Max on app
What does my fridge say about me?