Help please!
In love. Do I splurge?
Unable to do DJS without extractions
4 weeks post op LJS
Gastro issues with AA?
Spot on tooth
Upper body leaned out like crazy
HELP! alopecia areata? Derms are blowing off a scalp biopsy
Capricorn women what sign is your SO
I found my first alopecia areata spot. What advice do you wish you had in the beginning?
Please tell me about my love line!
Heaviness in the legs
Alopecia "paint" coverup
I get PRP and it works, AMA! (Photos attached)
Has the texture of your new hair growth changed?
How do ya’ll learn so much about orthognathic surgery
If it is diffuse alopecia areata, is it normal to see thinner hairs?
wild take theory
Find your big 3 twin!
Considering cancelling now that surgery is real
Before & After DJS
Why would a Capricorn female find Aries men highly attractive?