Please add my brother and his wife to our family photos
I NEED the volume up
AITA for watching “The Nanny”
She’s a methany
AITAH for telling a woman her child is welcome in my home, but she isn’t, because of her criminal record
This one literally checks all the boxes
AITAH for taking my niece lunch after her mom didn’t do anything for her birthday
Save my plant, I drew what’s it’s supposed to look like in case you need a reference
But I’m a cheerleader
AITA for not giving away my Taylor Swift cardigan to a disabled girl?
A BINGO card of Rage Bait
AITA for walking out of my sister's baby gender reveal party?
Didn’t even read the whole thing, no one is this stupid
AITA for being furious at my husband for secretly drinking my breast milk and replacing it with regular milk?
AITA Dog owner said “you’ll be alright” to me.
Still thinking about it a year later
My post partum wife broke my handmade glass sculpture a year ago. AITAH for still holding resentment about it?
The kinkiest of all kinks
AITA for telling my girlfriend I would like her to wear earrings during sex ?
This is a real thing my wife spends time on
AITA for telling my wife I hate her fridgescaping
People definitely want me to support the video game wedding
AITA for Refusing to Attend My Sister's Wedding Because She's Not Marrying a "Real Person"?
I’m better than the disabled
AITA for calling my aunt a hypocrite for letting my disabled cousin go to her child free wedding?
Almost all of them lol
Autism bad
[deleted by user]
Shoulda made the boat wait
AITA for abandoning my parents at an island in the Caribbean so I could get back to our cruise in time?
Pump parts not fully dry
How many times can I say the word cringe
I’m a saintly hero!!!!
AITAH for punching a homeless guy that didn't appreciate the food I got him.
I need 4-5 pieces of meat
AITA for not sharing my meal?
My co-workers told me I was too fit a parent to put a hypothetical child up for adoption
AITA for telling co-workers I'd abandon a baby?
My sister wants all my stuff and I’m not allowed to use it because I have a stable life
I ran inside to tell my wife what I had seen
AITA for telling my son to reconsider his romantic partner because of her family's poverty?
The adopted daughter barely got a mention
Aitah for introducing my adopted daughter as my daughter without making it known that she’s adopted?