Bob the Bartender balance change sugesstion
Theorycraft Patch Changes for The Emerald Dream Expansion (so that I can look back and laugh at myself in a month)
"All who join the fight against the Burning Legion are welcome to pick up these glaives."
Didn't play a single minion for 4 turns...
Best comp I’ve had
White to play. Checkmate in 2 ⚔️
Into the Emerald Dream Bundle Giveaway! Win 1 of 50 codes for 60 packs, 2 random legendaries, and Ysera card back!
I just want someone to play stupid decks with
What deck is your personal favorite?
They should add a random duration of timer in duos
I thought this was a decent build
No one got a chance to attack.
2nd place board btw
"What's worse? Seeing the spider...or watching it change shape in the shadows until it comes up and bites you!"
Double golden hogrider on turn 11 but with 0 gem scaling... :(
Mercenaries seems to be sprinkled with a lot of typos and errors. Do you think these will ever be fixed?
Dirty T7 Beast Build
When +1100/+550 start of turn just doesn’t cut it…
Steamcleaner Silent Nerfs
Old-school never dies. C'Thun Combo OTK Rogue
Into the Emerald Dream Predictions
Too many birds
Now THAT'S a lotta damage!
WORST DECK EVER. 1.1% Winrate. I present to you.. "Warlock"
Chaining up animations to a certain length should explode your hero