Who's the best axe legend in your opinion?
This seller in Japan doesn't know this New 2DS LL is modded lol.
What does this chip even do?
Sphirit: A Digimon World 3-Inspired Game and My Love Letter to the Digimon Franchise.
I may never get to play all of these games, but I will try one at a time for as long as the Vita lives. Any recommendations?
What do you guys think about battle pass season 11’s reveals so far? This battle pass looks very cool in my opinion :DD
Is this bs or skill issue
How do battle work?
I need help
Every weapon falls in a "Speed - Damage - Range" scale, i tried to categorize it. Most likely it can be improved, i am not very good
One hard save every other minute. Never trust quick and auto.
The one I fear
Which character makes you want to commit crimes the most?
What to do, if u dont wanna mess up in ranked
Sub logo proposal
Sour trying to cheat.
It took me 7 hours to get to 3 star village am I slow?
I had my 3DS in sleep mode and now it wont turn on at all.
What characters combos are this easy
Is it worth getting a coach?
How long have you been playing?
What character got you like this?
I use a spatula for stimming. Everyone in my family knows that I use it to stim but I hide it and pretend they don’t know because I think it’s embarrassing. What random ass objects do you use to stim?
Poll shows 67% chose Sweet, 33% chose Sour
All good
i like digimon because