What is the role of women according to the Mormon church?
April General Con
Update my previous post about the "Ask leaders any question activity"
What happened to Mormon persecution?
Dear Q-15: which part of "hanging by a thread" do you not understand?
As the correlation research division uses this sub to write upcoming General Conference talks, I just caught google (a well paid propaganda subcontractor of the church) accidentally admitting that there is ZERO inspiration involved in picking the next "prophet."
Mormons are obsessed with the Last Days because they just can't deal with life.
Curious does anyone have any personal connections with Susan's Husband's kids??
Things I’ve learned since leaving the mormon church
Request: I am looking for posts about the recent youth events that were clones of megachurch youth extravaganzas. Thank you.
Lehi man arrested, accused of assaulting child at church volleyball tournament
Energy healing : Has anyone heard of this book?
TBM Parents Think SC Will Happen in 4 Days
This report is very troubling.
Church not for socializing...
The Lord didn’t give instruction on how to practice polygamy….
So are there two groups in the Q-15?
Note to all you Skousenites: The Constitution (which you love), was invented to establish a federal government (which you hate). Can you please make up your minds? Meanwhile, please be quiet.
Credit where it's due
Did Joseph Smith have sex with a 14 year old?
Cards on the table time. They really believe Jesus is coming back real soon. And they think they are in charge of getting everybody ready.
Sounds like a mission myth, anyone else heard this story passed around?
Is it not the last days? Or did Spencer W. Kimball get it wrong? Way to go ladies ;)
Side note: the Q-15 are not prophets. They are a board of directors.
Just a reminder to the Q-15: Jesus knows my phone number. He can call me any time- and I don't need any secret ceremonies to summon him.