How much money is the hobby REALLY going to cost me?
Got my pal last Tuesday
Finally, build complete
Figured some you may appreciate this
Effort to clean up GHOST PLUZ
Best Bolt Action Rifle for beginner under 1000$
Crypto + Tannerite
Good enough for my varmint shooter.
Crypto Crusader - I reconsidered.
Any idea what these are?
What is this?
Guys. How did the crypto survive?
March 7 announcement discussion
Family Photo. Est Dec. 2024
OIC discussion & Politics Megathread
RSDC trying to boost sales or they have inside knowledge and we are cooked?
Next ban tomorrow 1pm
Uh oh... Press conference on new gun violence measures. March 7th
Something fishy going on?
Henry big boy x
Just Got Licence: Reccomendations
9 y/o crypto shooter
Is having an active peace bond with no weapons ban an automatic disqualifier for getting your PAL?