Been playing a week, which champs shouldn't i take any further?
Nasus build help ? And are these epic relics any good on him ?
Any recommendations on which demacia champion to beat the 6.5 star elder dragon adventures?
Mundo sucks
We failed divers..
Are we Back ?
Im having a bad time knowing when I can kill an enemy
unlocking one emote a day until I get forsenE (Day 9)
○○|○○○○|○○|○ K?
is this even comfortable...
Petition to give this the Dragon subtype
How would you make the PLAS-39 Accelerator Rifle better?
J.O.E.L. WTF!? CHILL!!!!
I need to defeat nightmare fiddlesticks with one more ruinterra champion (already won once using fiddlesticks). which one is the best vs him? I tried evelynn and bard, but they are too slow to win vs him.
Wholesome SCPs?
Who designs the monthlys?
Have you seen the new Strohmann News? Feeble young adults not so feeble anymore!
Interesting Naut 6* feature
How do you play into aatrox?
The Constitution is not that bad
What champ ability would hurt the most if you were hit by it IRL?
Let's get this over with
Smolder gets a little brother by Melatoniiiinn!
Which Defender do you think will appear on DDBA first? Will it be best girl?