Playing Splatoon 3 on Monitor with Splatoon 3 OLED but I keep hearing the fan spinning. Is this common from the processing power needed or should I get it checked out?
with zero hacks, what palette is the most fun?
I've been playing VRChat for about 3 years as a mute. ama
I was gifted my humongous greedy husband for Christmas and all he does is steal my cookies
Goo Tuber. Or I guess chargers in general. How do you play this thing?
Dynamo Roller: It Deserves Correction
I guess this is pretty big deal
My friend and I played a game with a... rather interesting character
I feel really terrible about this but...
Wellstring V (Custom) Learning Tips?
Squiggled Sensitivities?
Snipewriter Beginner Tips?
How Do You Think This Franchise Should End
How do I practice Charger?
Which team are you choosing?
Made a parallel canon plush
Questions for Stamper Mains
How to be an Asset to the SoloQ Anarchy as Splat Charger
Make the comments look like this guys search history
Got this at my local retro store Flashback. Only nine bucks. Captain Toad was twelve. What do you guys think about these games?
Were Marina’s Diaries Public?
Allen: Romulus - Trailer 1 [Official Discussion]
Can Captain Toad Treasure Tracker be played "locally" with a switch and switch switch lite?
Desperately seeking Trium Team Help