What’s your favourite deck following the expansion so far?
Should I craft these cards
Colossus is dealing too much damage.
If only I had Q’onzu in my deck…
Worst meta in hearthstone hiszory so far……
Dads who weren’t sure if they wanted kids - how’s it working out for you?
F2P player since 10 years, I never had that much gold, dust and packs going into an expansion
How to tell partner I spied
Does anyone here with kids live away from both sets of grandparents?
Please can someone explain the process of how to buy a house...
Have you ever bought a new house but still had time left on your rental contract?
Those of you who have left the UK, where did you go, and how’s it going there?
Masters required for minimum wage
Is 4.5x your salary true even with these high interest rates?
What is improving about the UK?
DK Zerg decks are too weak now?
Is the 360 pack pity timer for signature cards the same as golden legendaries?
25 packs of Into the emerald dream or starcraft mini-set?
Would you take your wife back after she cheated?
How to enter the workforce as an IT worker? 25M
My career so far in the Railway Industry
How did you accept that you only start to live after 30?
You can move anywhere in the UK. Where are you choosing?
Which ‘posh’ towns and cities in the UK are rougher than they first seem?
why is the property market in norwich so dead atm