As an economist did you always love statistics?
jobs related to environmental economics (BA degree)?
Daily Discussion Thread: spray/memes/chat/whatever allowed
Weekly Questions & General Discussion
Trying to Start Writing Again After a Long Hiatus
I'm an aromantic trying to write romance
Chapter length and structure in fantasy novels.
When did you stop thinking yourself as a girl and started thinking of yourself as a woman?
Is it normal to be walking with a group and feel uneasy when you cross paths with another group of people you don't know?
An excellent advice I recently stumbled upon but don't know how to follow through with it.
On a work trip with husband and it’s HORRIBLE
Why does my girlfriend sleep better next to me?
Most people are boring
2025 is near—how will you improve your social skills this year?
How exactly do you “club speak” with women? What does it usually entail?
I am done with academic pick me’s
Would you still write even if you knew nobody else would ever read your work?
What "unreasonable" expectations did your ex convince you were too much to ask for?
How to intuitively understand environmental economics?
Do you sometimes wish you knew less about an author?
Do you prefer introverts or extroverts in romantic relationships?
How do I stop thinking I'm a character in some series?