Merlin is a ??
Michael Cera cast to play Neil Breen in upcoming bio-pic
Former James Bond Pierce Brosnan Says It’s ‘A Given’ That the Next 007 Must Not Be American: I Hope Amazon ‘Handles the Work and the Character With Dignity’
Plinkett never reviewed "The Rise Of Skywalker"?
He died trying to win the lottery
Binged all the Best of the Worst in a week. One thing is abundantly clear
I must've missed this on BotW
WTF ?!?
Lost ‘Powerpuff Girls’ Live-Action Trailer Leaks Online. How embarrassing....
Lost ‘Powerpuff Girls’ Live-Action Trailer Leaks Online
A classic at the as-is goodwill today
"There's a softening deep within her"
Please give me your deepest cut indie film from the 90s/00s
What do you hate about the prequels? Explain why they didn't work, and what would make them better?
Dizz and Johnny
Video That Makes You Laugh The Most?
Any Josh fans out there? He's in a lot of my favorite episodes, especially re:View of The Last Starfighter
If you were somehow invited on Re:View, which relatively obscure or forgotten movie would you be prepared to talk about at length
Best friends forever 😄
Finally... What we all needed.
So what do you guys think of...
Somehow Judge Rico returned.
When will Mike and Rich do a Re:View of '50 Shades of Grey'?
I see this as an absolute win.
Harold and Maude remake??