Which would you rather have had during the Civil War; the Henry or Spencer rifle?
Was the Colt Walker ever made in a cartridge conversion model in the 1870s-1890s?
Did saving Mark end up changing their timeline, or did it create a separate, alternate one?
Does anyone know of a place where I could a replacement back panel for my tv today?
Waiters who work at Texas Roadhouse, how much do average an hour, including tips?
How much did Colt charge to convert their percussion revolvers to cartridge ones?
Starting in the 1870s, how much did it cost to have a percussion revolver converted to a cartridge one vs buying one that had already been converted?
What would you consider to be the best shotgun of the Vietnam War?
What do you think the time difference between Korra and Seven Havens will be, and what would you LIKE it to be?
What methods/strategies do you use when prospecting for new business to sell your product or service too?
Which would be your top choice?
Based on the description, how realistic would you say the listed earning are for this job?
About to interview for a flooring sales job, and I have some questions I was hoping I could get answers for
Which would you rather have during the Mexican Revolution; a bolt-action rifle or a lever-action repeater?
Is it usually a bad sign if a job that was previously posted a couple of months ago was just reposted?
Why do these two 1897 ads for the Winchester 1873 carbine each have a different ammo capacity?
What are the different ways you can carry your shotgun shells, and which ones would you recommend the most?
Does anyone here have any experience in motorsport sales they can share?
Aside from the Henry, Winchester 1866, and Colt Open Top, were there any other guns chambered for the 44 Henry?
Why was the Winchester 1894 so popular during the Mexican Revolution?
What would you consider to be the “budget guns” of the Wild West?
Was it at all common and/or for people to store a rifle on both sides of their horse?