my pen refuses to write on my skin. very disappointing and not interesting result
Порадьте книгу
Lost 50/50 to Mona. Does she really think she can just take his job?
My oil painting
What are your thoughts on/expectations from Snezhnaya?
Totally normal thing to say about russians!
Як ви зрозуміли, що ваш партнер є вашою долею?
“I can feel you” by MuaZXart
мені страшно ділитись з психіатром про свої думки
Arlecchino flexing her 4*s over the phase 1 banners
Чую багато про противних "мужчин", які домагаються до дівчат, пропонують секс і ведуть себе неадекватно...
Fluffy ranch games ?
Чи ви знаєте хлопців, яким виповнилось 18 під час війни, і вони залишились в Україні?
Fellas, what does my type in women mean?
As a F2P player at VIP2, this is exactly what I wanted and needed out of this event..
New guy in my guild just filled the two coms 😭😞
Люди з СДВГ, якою діяльністю ви займаєтесь?
Just noticed they updated her date art :o
Alright. What do y’all think of the education update?
Tsukimichi Event
What form should I be fishing for these last two: small, medium, blob, or large???
A glimpse into the true history of Penacony through “Dreamscape Nursery Rhyme: The Family of Seven”
Major spoilers for Penacony story, please do not click if you haven't finished the main story yet
Looking for good academic/critical books on ADHD