The Freakshow Song
Devil's Note - Coping with Kenneth [Rock]
Devil's Note-The Gate
What are the best dlc’s in gaming history?
If stuffed animals could talk
Frodo, Sam, and Gollum move into a townhouse in a quiet neighborhood together
McDonald’s adds “Karate Lessons” to their menu
Anyone else play completely offline?
Your friend has pooped his pants and needs you to cover for him
The slogan for Subway’s new “deep-fried” option
SFAH: Things you can say about the weather, but not your partner.
Things you want to do but shouldn't at a restaurant
Unlikely things to hear in the produce aisle of the supermarket
SFAH: How you really want to respond to your narcissistic boss.
Worst ways to deliver bad news
If servers could tell rude customers whats actually on their mind.
I've heard of coming out of the closet, but what the hell are you doing??
SFAH: Shockingly honest statements that could get you fired from your job
Saw this on my mom's bed after I got home from work?
Best Clean Tone You’ve Ever Heard
What did you want to be when you grew up? And what are you now?
Odd things to give up for lent.
What's the name of the weed you're smoking?
I want a horror where the bad guy wins.