18YO, bought my first Bimmer G20 330e
Tune for a 2022 G20 330e?
Starship flight test 8 scrubbed for today
r/SpaceX Flight 8 Official Launch Discussion & Updates Thread!
Scrub for today
That was a little spicy. Is this normal?
Before and after
What did you think of this progress report?
I think my room looks too childish. I'm 18. How should I fix it
TCOAAL OC's, Shipping Culture, and Morality - An Analysis of the TCOAAL Community
Where is the report 😭😭😭
Almost a year clean
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk makes the Hitlergruß
What Car Should I Buy? - A Weekly Megathread
Is this good for college and gaming
Why do people flee from police if the cops already have their license plate number?
Minor gripes
What would be the plot of this Niko?
Looks like one of the body panels was loose
Congrats to SpaceX on another successful booster catch
I have a 2004 Toyota Prado, what does this do?
My acer nitro an515-58 fell
I have motivation to play any game
What do i do now i randomly did a scan and found this.